what culture really means for partners

bissettbonus: three outlooks from our exclusive expert council: grundy, pipe, dunn.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

the passport to partnership study collated a number of responses from existing partners of accounting practices in a conversational style. examples that really stood out on the realities of individual variances in firm culture are showcased below.

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more on the passport to partnership: firm culture is inevitable; make it work for you | 12 ways to determine your competence | what competence really means for partners | sailing through the seven c’s to partnership | passport to partnership: new research shows wide gap between partners and partners-to-be

if we really like them, we’ll take them out to dinner with the partners to see how they cope in that environment.

meaning, can they hold their own intellectually in more senior circles? how would they then behave when meeting with other senior executives as a contemporary of theirs? this is a huge consideration for existing partners as the reputation, goodwill and future new business of the practice is influenced greatly by how well the firm is represented by its chosen ambassador (e.g. you).